A Woman Wears Many Hats


A  woman wears many hats –  and they don’t always fit.  Some hats are tight-fitting and some are large.  Some fit perfectly and some we would just as soon get rid of.

Like many of you, I dabble in things because it piques my interest.  Maybe someone does something that I always wanted to do or they know something that I have always found fascinating.   I may have discovered something that makes me feel like I did when I was a kid – the curiosity, the dream, the thing that was worth the wait.  

I never know until I try, ask, and do.  Sometimes finding that maybe, just maybe, it isn’t what it would be.  Did it satisfy our curiosity?  Did it feel more like an obligation than a dream?  Another hat to be worn. Taking classes and buying books and supplies, trying to figure out which one thing would make growing up worth the wait.  Trial and error in trying on the hats that we liked.  Did it fit well?  Maybe we thought so, but, we ended up throwing it in the closet for while thinking – maybe later.  A woman wears many hats, maybe I will buy another hat.  

I love trying on hats.  They make me feel alive and ready to tackle something new.  I am a creator, a maker, and a doer of things.  I have failed at many things and that has not stopped me from doing something new.  This is something new that I never thought I could do.  Blogging gives me a chance to hone my writing skills, meet new people, and learn new things. 

I love learning.  That is a hat that I love wearing.  It fits perfectly on my head and I have worn it to the point of comfort.  A woman wears many hats and often takes that old, worn hat for granted.  It is a hat we go back to – for comfort, for security, and for strength.

When I am wearing other hats, I feel alive or sometimes I hide.  The old baseball cap that I dare not throw away because I will not feel the same with a new one.  

I have a  sticky note on my computer that says “I feel on purpose in my life when….”.



