Category: Uncategorized

  • Stuff – need or want?

    How much stuff do you have?  Do you have all that you need?  Maybe you have more than you need?  Could you use more stuff? While journaling tonight, I realized that we all have “stuff”.  We can’t take it with us either.  I could live without so much and have learned to give up some…

  • Walk


    I have started walking again. It isn’t as much as I used to walk, which was about 3-6 miles a day. Things change, or I should say I have changed and so has life. We take so much for granted, yet it is always there. I love walking later in the day – towards dusk.…

  • Habits – Resolutions?

    Habits are one of those things that, no matter what it is, are either bad or good. You name it and anyone will tell you – bad or good.We all have them. Some of us have had them forever and many of us have just started them. Smoking, eating, drinking, chewing our nails, swearing –…

  • When Will it End?

    I wrote this middle summer. It’s been a crazy four months. We started with Covid and now we are dealing with riots. Where does it stop? When will it end? We have enough crap to deal with and yet people are going crazy – seriously! If we would spend our time thinking and finding jobs,…

  • Challenge and Change and Virus too!

      Every day is a new challenge for our leaders.  Challenge and change and virus too!  They have never had to deal with something like this.  We all have to chill and pray that they do the right things to keep everyone calm and as safe as possible. We are our own worst enemy when…

  • Oh What a Night – Music and Change!

    Oh, what a night!  That was the last time we stayed up all night. “Oh, my God!  Can you believe she wore that?”  I exclaimed, walking down the crowded street.  “That would be the last thing I would want to wear.” “Yeah, well, with a body like that, I would wear it too.”  My best…

  • Prayer is Not Always Done in Church

          Prayer comes easier to me at night. Prayer is not always done in a church. I try to pray. Doing it doesn’t make me more or less religious.   I do it because I believe. I am a strong believer that there is more than we can ever know. Religion doesn’t have to mean an…

  • Fall into another Season

          I wrote this last fall and have finally had a chance to publish it. I have been feeling a little nostalgic, lately.  Fall always brings back those childhood memories.  The clear skies, fresh air, short days, football games, and leaves falling – there is just something about this time of year. Yesterday…

  • Grandchildren

    The blessings that they bring.  Grandchildren are born onto our children.  Little versions of our babies when they were babies. Crying, eating, pooping, smiling, crawling, giggling, growing little by little until all of a sudden they are the best version of two people who fell in love in the first place.  Take back the long,…

  • Are you ready?  Almost?

    Are you ready? Almost?

    Well, are you ready?  Almost ready?  Kind of ready?  Not really ready? Definitely not ready? I am at the almost ready stage.  For the last five years, we have been really working on being at the almost ready stage.  Nothing scares me more than not being ready.  Are you kidding me?  If health care, IRAs,…