Habits are one of those things that, no matter what it is, are either bad or good. You name it and anyone will tell you – bad or good.We all have them. Some of us have had them forever and many of us have just started them. Smoking, eating, drinking, chewing our nails, swearing – these would be classified as bad. Exercising, eating healthy, reading, going to be early, limiting computer time – these would be good.
I have had a few bad ones and a few good ones. I have started and stopped them too. We are always looking for a quick fix, an easier way, or really – we are just plain lazy (I mean that in a good way).
We are conditioned to do things the easiest way with the least amount of energy. It takes discipline and I know I have to really work on staying focused to form that “good” habit. It is so much easier to just keep doing what I have been doing, because, well, basically, it’s easier!
What is it that truly makes us struggle? Have I tried too hard or not hard enough? I think I have tried really hard and then – BAM! – back at it. Most people, who don’t know me well, can’t believe I smoke. I like to think I am a polite smoker and I only smoke half a pack a day. Some days, more than others, however, I still smoke.
Do you find pleasure in your habit – good or bad? I just enjoy sitting and doing nothing! When I sit and have a cigarette, I am doing nothing! I am a go, go, go kind of person so it means a nice, quiet break from a lot of things. Boredom comes to mind – eating, drinking, smoking, etc. I have lots of hobbies. Most of the time I do really well and find myself absorbed in doing things that I don’t think about smoking.
Habits – they say 30 days to kick it, but, science has been studying it and it is truly longer for most people and yes, shorter for others. Mindset, ah yes, that lovely word. We have been hearing and reading about it. I know I have. Change your thoughts and you will change your habits. It is a real game-changer and for a positive person like me, you would think it would be easy to quit. Smoking doesn’t change who I am and so I can still be positive. On the other hand, smoking changes who you think I am. It has all the connotations of being a bad, dirty, smelly, unhealthy person. Who me? Have you met me? Oh, yes, it is unhealthy, dirty, and smelly. So is o
Overeating and drinking are also unhealthy. A habit is a choice. We choose all the time. Sometimes I struggle with that choice and so do you. Choose to eat better, exercise, and abstain. Personally, I am not doing too bad in the habit department when I think of others who have habits that I wouldn’t want to take on – good or bad.
Choices. As long as I can work on changing my bad habit – that should be all that counts. I will applaud your diligence with your good habit as long as you understand and support me in trying to make mine go away. Our habits do not define us.
No, I did not make any resolutions. If you did, let me know what they are and how you are going to make them stick!
Happy New Year!