Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Fall into another Season

          I wrote this last fall and have finally had a chance to publish it. I have been feeling a little nostalgic, lately.  Fall always brings back those childhood memories.  The clear skies, fresh air, short days, football games, and leaves falling – there is just something about this time of year. Yesterday…

  • Grandchildren

    The blessings that they bring.  Grandchildren are born onto our children.  Little versions of our babies when they were babies. Crying, eating, pooping, smiling, crawling, giggling, growing little by little until all of a sudden they are the best version of two people who fell in love in the first place.  Take back the long,…

  • Are you ready?  Almost?

    Are you ready? Almost?

    Well, are you ready?  Almost ready?  Kind of ready?  Not really ready? Definitely not ready? I am at the almost ready stage.  For the last five years, we have been really working on being at the almost ready stage.  Nothing scares me more than not being ready.  Are you kidding me?  If health care, IRAs,…

  • Merry Christmas

        Today I hope you are enjoying your day with Family and Friends.  How important it is to stay connected with the ones we Love. Christmas means so many things to many people.  I hope it brings you all that you want and were hoping for. May your day be blessed and may your…

  • Winter

    We planted, gathered, and played all summer

  • Holidays

    What is your favorite Holiday?  Mine used to be Christmas, believe it or not.  I still enjoy Christmas, just not like I used to.  Holidays have become more of a chore than enjoyment to me.  Maybe it’s because of my J.O.B.  I think mostly it’s because I just find that sometimes simpler means more. I…

  • Traveling

    UGH!!  Traveling north.  My first hour sucked!  The wind blew across the road and other drivers didn’t get how to drive safely.  I was a nervous wreck by the time I got to the rest stop to use the bathroom.  I just wanted to cry…well, I kind of had tears in my eyes when I…

  • Cousins

    Does your circle include your Cousins?  How far out do you keep in touch – first, second, third?  With all the social media available to us we have access to so much information.  I personally am in touch with so many generations and layers of Cousins, I forget where they are on the family tree!…

  • Age

    Wow!  Who would have thought we would be this old?  I keep thinking that with age comes wisdom, does it?  Growing older has perks but mostly it is harder.  Slowing down every year gets more noticeable.  Thoughts of retirement are coming more every day.  I didn’t want to grow up, really.  When I talk about…

  • Separation

    sep·a·ra·tion ˌsepəˈrāSH(ə)n/ noun 1. the action or state of moving or being moved apart When you think of Separation, most people think negatively.  My experience is a positive situation to come! Things are never as they seem to most people. We, the hubby and I are not what you see.  You see, we are a…

Got any book recommendations?