Time and Time, Again

Hour, Time, Past, Imagination, Clock


Time and time, again we think that today is the day.  Sometimes I don’t feel like doing things. I still try to do something.  There is never a day that makes me want to give up. Keep going, it will get better. 

I am up early and going outside makes me feel refreshed. The quietude of the last bits of night, preparing for the day. The moon is a sliver in the sky, the stars shine bright. As I listen to the train whistle off in the distance, I can’t help but wonder where it’s going or what the driver sees as nature provides a variety of scenes.

We have so many plans, places to go, people to see. What is the next step? The answers are there just waiting for us to find.  Time is elusive.  It hides and never giving in – even just a little.  When we least expect it, we seem to find it.  Spending vacation without a wristwatch or phone is a great way to feel time slow down.  

I try to slow down. I get lazy and forget that time is our most precious commodity. It doesn’t care what we did or didn’t do. It continues on whether we make the best use of it or not because we cannot stop it.  Time is something we cannot see or put under a microscope.  

I believe that everything happens for a reason. I struggle, sometimes, to understand why. We don’t need to know – just believing it is enough.  They say that there is always a time and that things will happen when it is right.

I always want to be awake and aware of that one moment that can change everything. Do I see it? No. Do I make the best of every moment? Probably not. I do know that life has moved at a very fast pace and it catches me off guard, subsequently, I have taken it upon myself to start a project that I haven’t worked on and is collecting dust.

Does everyone get everything done? No. Why? We have the same 24 hours, so what keeps us from doing more? From being our best self? Taking action is what we need to do, therefore, that is what I am doing right now.  

After leaving this sit for almost a year and a half, I started writing for my blog again.  I have taken the time to build it and work out some kinks.  Learning something new is always fun and sometimes a challenge.  This is something I really want to get good at. I have time, I made time, I want to tell you that there isn’t as much time left as you think there is. 

I love this quote and have used it often – reminds me that the clock is ticking —-

“If you do not like where you are, MOVE!  You are not a TREE!”



