1.the action or state of moving or being moved apart
When you think of Separation, most people think negatively. My experience is a positive situation to come!
Things are never as they seem to most people. We, the hubby and I, are not what you see. We are a couple living a different kind of life at the moment. We share everything except our living quarters. Now you may think – hmmm why?
We decided that when life throws you opportunity, then, well you have to take it! Selling a house during good economic times and investing in the future is what we did. With it comes weeks of Separation.
I talk of Separation, because, to me it is where we are at this moment. A choice to be apart. I live in our home and he lives near his work four hours away in a small apartment. A decision that we thought wasn’t going to be as hard turns out to be very hard. We chose to work on making our home our retirement place – which, to tell you the truth, isn’t that far away!
Finances, chores, responsibilities, and how we make it work are clearly defined. We miss each other. We always want the other to be where we are. We take turns traveling to and from. It is a give and take when you are Separated by miles.
Being apart is hard. I love having my space, however, my space is missing a part of something that is bigger than me. Just having him sitting in the same room, watching tv is what I miss. It doesn’t have to mean that we need to talk, it is just knowing he is right there. The hugs, kisses, touches, and yes arguments are all misses – but only for a while.
When I am on the phone with him, just hearing him cough, breath, yawn, or yes, burp, is what I need to hear. Separation can be many things to many people. To me, it is just being away for a while. I think we learn a little of ourselves and of our spouses/significant other when we are apart. We learn to do things we wouldn’t normally do because we rely on the other for so many things.
So when you think of Separation, think of it as being apart for only a little while because you are working towards a positive place in your life!