Those Irreplaceable Shoes

Shoes that are hard to part with.
Those irreplaceable shoes

 Those irreplaceable shoes have so much history.  Do you have a pair of shoes that you just do not want to part with?  Well worn, comfortable, a little tear at the toe, paint splatter, dirt from everywhere?  When do you replace them?  Why would you?  They have been through hell and back with you.

I had a pair of those shoes.  I finally replaced them, and, yes, tossed them.  I had a hard time doing that.  My husband tells me that for every pair I buy I must throw three pairs out!  Ummm, NO!  We laugh because it is kind of funny that he would even suggest such a thing.

I loved those shoes.  I spent money on those shoes – don’t we all.  I only wore them for running errands at first.  Then they turned into work shoes around the yard.  Then they were my go-to shoes for everything!  They got wet, full of mud, had doggie doo-doo on them, paint-splattered, baby puke dripping on them.  They have been through almost as many miles as I have in the time I had them.

I wore them with socks for a long time and sometimes without socks later.  I dried them in the sun and on the heat grates.  The washing machine didn’t get a chance to clean them, because I was afraid they would fall apart.  They were falling apart – just like I did a few times when I wore them.  They hung on and didn’t fail me.  I was always trying to find a pair that would be the same – I did!  They are not the same.  Similar is a better word.

We would all love to find the “same” things to replace our worn-out items.  Either they don’t make the style or the brand is no longer available.  I don’t know.  I just like the shoes that I like.  When I am on my feet all day, my shoes have got to be there for me.  They have to make my feet feel secure, surrounded by support.  I can’t have floppy shoes or ones that make my feet ache at the end of the day.

Everything we do on our feet travels through to the rest of our bodies.  We don’t feel like doing anything when our feet hurt.  We want to put them up, take the pressure off, get a massage (pedicure), bath them in something to make them feel better.

I don’t know about you, but I wish I could do a pedicure every 4-6 weeks!  To me, having a pedicure is like getting a backrub for my feet.  I know the hubby doesn’t like having his feet touched and that is ok.  People are sensitive when it comes to their feet.  Foot care is so important – not only having a pedicure done but having the right shoes to wear, too.

Now, go to the closet, or wherever you stash your shoes and take a look at all the years, the memories, the miles that are on those shoes.  When will you replace yours?



